INXS: Rock Star

Time for a politics break. Let’s talk about the important issues of the day. Like INXS: Rock Star. I like this show. Infinitely more than American Idol. Rock n Roll is still what I love, it’s a pleasure to see people who are talented in my genre compete. My goodness, some of the contestants even play instruments! Heresy!

Still — as my wife points out, it’s not as if the American Idol contestants aren’t talented. They are, enormously so. But it’s a different kind of talent. It’s mostly technical. There’s nothing artistic, nothing personal about it. The competitors in INXS: Rock Star may have technical chops, but they would quickly be eliminated unless they bring something of themselves to it, something that is unique to themselves. In summary, fuck American Idol.

Unfortunately for them, the members of INXS don’t realize that they are the ones auditioning. This is a rock band who hasn’t made an impact in the last 15 years. And the whole genre of rock and roll is, as much as I hate to say it, not where the action is these days. INXS has been given a great chance. They are in front of the entire nation three days a week, in a forum where they can show their own personality, and sell themselves to potential fans.. What they’ve shown is they are boring as hell. You have to wonder. They look like they would rather be curled up at home with a good book and a glass of port. And because they don’t actually lower themselves by performing, we don’t even get to see to their musical chops, which are presumably great since they were at the top for a long time. I hope their new singer is truly fantastic, because he or she is the only way they will draw fans under 30.

2 thoughts on “INXS: Rock Star”

  1. Ah, midgets in love!

    Jabley, it’s like this. By the time we put Muttrox Jr. to bed, it’s 9:00. Then, if we have the energy, we clean up the remains fo dinner, and do the one or two things we really want to get done that night (like working on this blog). At that point, we usually glom in front of the TV. Our hottub was broken for 6 months, which was OK because we rarely even have the energy to use it. Holy cow, why are we having another kid!?

    And anyhow, I like rock n’ roll, and I like INXS. You gonna tell me you wouldn’t watch the same show in a country setting? How about a reality show to be Willie Nelson’s tax accountant, you’d love that!

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