Links O’ Interest

Drew Bledsoe’s blog. This is drop-dead hilarious for NFL fans.

Don’t – See if you are educated enough to vote. (I got 96%, missed the new UN President)

This Cognitive Science graduate student used his mad brain knowledge to win on Who Wants to be a Milliionaire

A funny look back at Donald Rumsfeld’s press conference antics.

Worst burglar ever

Worst video game ever
(read the review)

John Kerry tries to tell other jokes

5 thoughts on “Links O’ Interest”

  1. Aaron, you’re just embarassing to not get the legend of I hope you understood that Borat wasn’t real either. Go find yourself a good burger, and do some Beltway observing already.

  2. No, I have no idea. I mean, I get the fact that it’s some guy making fun of Drew Bledsoe, but I don;t get all the jokes. What’s with all the burgers? Does he eat nothing but burgers? Is that something I’m supposed to know?

  3. I got the same score as you – 96% – and muffed the same question. I deserved to do worse because I really wasn’t sure that was Chief Justice John Roberts. I guessed it was him because I knew it wasn’t any of the others.

  4. woo-hoo, I got a perfect hundred. I guess that means I get to vote in 2008 and you don’t!!

    I don’t get the Bledsoe thing at all, what am I missing?

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