Weird Marketing at Applebees


“Hey sports fans!” No follow-up, no point like Applebees has more TVs or loves the Braves or half-off during playoffs. Nope, just getting your attention.

Hey, Muttroxia readers! Madejalook!

One thought on “Weird Marketing at Applebees”

  1. reminds me of once when I went to a dunkin donuts…they had the display turned on backwards so that, I, the customer, saw the “Remember, Upscale and Upsell!!” I can only assume that this was not directed at me, as when I attempted to sell the cashier my Newsweek, I was turned down, even when I offered to throw in my Time.
    As a rule, customers know their are being manipulated…as a rule, its a bad idea to come out and tell them they are.
    As a rule.

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