A Political Analogy for my Vote

When I’m asked who I support, my answer is Hillary but I really like Obama also it’s a close call bla bla as long as it’s a Democrat who wins the whole thing bla bla bla. I finally came up with an analogy I like:

You and the guys are getting some dinner. You have two choices. One is pizza. The other is tofu sandwiches. Of course, you all want pizza. Some people want mushrooms, some want onions on top. The arguments start. You compare the relative merits of both toppings. You question everyones knowledge. You question their motivations. You question their sanity. The more you talk about it, the bigger the differences get. The drug connotations of mushrooms are examined. Breath freshness of the onion lovers is tested. The arguments go on.

But one thing everyone can agree on, no one wants the tofu sandwich. As long as we get pizza instead of tofu, I’m basically happy. I like onion over mushrooms, but either is fine by me.

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