Muttrox’s Primary Vote

I’ve been on the fence with Hillary vs. Obama. They’re both great candidates, either of them will be immensely better than any of the GOP candidates. I toyed with the idea of sitting the primary out. I toyed with voting for Edwards anyhow, even though he has already withdrawn. But in the end, I went with Hillary.

My commenters in the other Edwards post have said it better than me. Obama’s policies are mostly air and rhetoric. When it’s not, it’s copied from other candidates with small changes to make it worse. I am most discouraged by his willingness to accept Republican talking points about Social Security. That is unfathomable.

Hillary brings some huge negatives, but she is the only candidate who has experience in the executive and legislative branch and knows how to work the levers of power on Day One. To whatever degree there is a “Billary”, that is a good thing. Bill Clinton was the best president we’ve had in my lifetime, and I’m delighted at the idea of four more years of those policies.

I also got a call from an impassioned Hillary supporter I know who took the time to personally walk me through some of my thinking and make the case. Tip O’Neill was right, people do like to be asked.

10 thoughts on “Muttrox’s Primary Vote”

  1. I don’t think the Republicans have a chance to win the presidential election. They’re been aggressively ruining the country for the last 7 years. Even the stupid American electorate must realize that.

  2. Some thoughts from an ex Rushannity fan. I think either Obama or Hillary stand a good chance if people buy into the ideological mantra from the talk radio crowd. I personally think the radio guys have gone off the deep end. If the Republican party can not unite behind McCain and the far right wingers stay home in November, Dems will win easily. If they do unite, I think McCain beats either Hillary or Obama because he may grab blue state prizes such as IL, CA or even NY. So here’s the irony… are you willing to ‘support’ Rush and Hannity during the next few months in order to keep the Republican party divided? Hmmm?

  3. Thanks for the data Sid. Unfortunately, it doesn’t demonstrate your point. I think what you are really trying to say is that there’s no way in hell that Hillary Clinton could ever get 50% of the country to vote for her because there are too many people who hate her so much and could never pull the lever for her never Never NEVER!! That a poll shows her a few points behind McCain is interesting, but doesn’t answer the question: Could she?

    Note that even the general election results might not give us the answer. Whether she can win or not isn’t determined after the fact by whether she did win or not.

  4. Hillary’s negative ratings is very high. The problem with Democrats is that “likeability” and perceived leadership traits are huge with middle america and it’s not factored in – plus, the Dems always destroy each other in primaries. There’s no reason for a sitting VP to not absolutely demolish GWB? Gore was too robotic and didn’t think Bill had a coattail so distanced himself.

    I agree with Sidney. Hillary would lose to McCain.

  5. I think I covered this previously — Hillary matches up quite favorably with all GOP candidates, even John McCain. It is simply a myth that she is unelectable.

  6. people also like to win. I’m not convinced she can. I’d rather go with someone I think can win the general even if I’m not 100% convinced on all of the policies. She’ll lose to McCain.

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