Links o’ Interest

The literal version of “Take on Me”

Political sign

Yep, that’s racism

Shia LaBeouf. No.

15 gravity defying houses

George Costanza’s top 10 ladies

It’s worth the extra $3.

Facial attractiveness scale (composites from Hot or Not). If nothing else, this demonstrates the power of good lighting and eyeliner.

The highest-earning dead celebrities

Terry Pratchett (author of the Discworld books) talks about his Alzheimer’s.

Ouch. Just… ouch.

Song for Sarah Palin (made by friend of a friend)

The candidates as trains

How McCain lost his brand. “…delivering to McCain innumerable victories in the battle for the daily—and even hourly—news cycle. But presidential campaigns are perverse, quicksilvery things, and it appears that the very tactics that for a while gave McCain the faint hope of victory are now the main obstacle to any hope of a late-stage revival. The new McCain may have won some news cycles, but he is losing the contest of the meta-narrative—and with it, perhaps, the election.”

The hidden cost of war, a short video

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