Links o’ Interest

World War II

Smoking sign fail

Why you should check your kids homework

December 9th is pretend to be a time traveler day. Excellent.

Times are tough – the rich are cutting back on mistresses

What causes War. Could have come straight from Collapse.

Can all conflict be reduced beyond even team aggression and resource competition, down to the single factor of population growth? It’s not quite that simple, but a deeper investigation of the role of population increase shows quite clearly that growth rate and population demographics function as significant triggers for raiding, wars, and even terrorism. …. Their study suggests that population growth accounts for a powerful 80–90 percent* of the variation between periods of war and peace.

What if Starbucks was run like a church?

Sarah Palin on the $10,000 pyramid

Michael Vick bankrupt in prison. How’d that happen?

8 Best recurring gags on Arrested Development

Neil Gaiman on free speech for icky things.

This is where we live

The front fell off. So real, I have no idea what it’s from.


Prop 8: The Musical. Heck of a cast. By the way, Neil Patrick Harris is gay. Boy, can he act.

Using electrostimulus to feel the beat. Very weird.

Google shows Microsoft how to connect the dots

Something’s different about you… you’re going bald!

I don’t know the facts, but I’m on the side of the Satch

More Stupid French tricks

Tips for clueless people who get mugged

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