Blog Update: Where’s all the posts?

How come there hasn’t been much content lately? I can’t come up with much to write about. Any topics you want to hear me riff on?

I’m just not inspired lately. I know there’s a bunch of people who read this and never comment, bit it’s discouraging not to get any feedback. It’s my job as a writer to make the blog engaging enough that people want to comment. I don’t duck that responsibility. And yet, it’s hard enough to find time to do this between all the other demands on my life, it’s just hard to get motivated when nothing is coming back.

In October Muttroxia averaged just under a post every day. I got a total of 23 comments, and 7 of them were from me. It’s been months and months since there was something that generated real discussion. I thought the “Kill ’em all” one would get some, but nope. The football jerseys, I know lots of my readers deal with powerpoint dictation, even the political post, nada.

I won $125 at poker this week, eh so what. I got some Links o’ Interest coming tonight…

2 thoughts on “Blog Update: Where’s all the posts?”

  1. I believe the issue Muttrox is that your blog doesn’t specialize in any topic except random thoughts from a borderline madman/genius. Thus, for long time friends who appreciate Muttrox’ thought process, it’s interesting reading. However, for casual friends, etc., the blog would not be a regular read.

    If you want more followers, then I’d recommend specializing in something (politics, or parenthood, etc) so you attract a broader readership base (of possibly people you don’t know) who will be more passionate about the topic you specialize in.

    Otherwise, just view the blog as a way to vent, express yourself, or to show the kids when they are older how their father used to think in the hey day.

  2. Part of it may be due to a general agreement.
    If I believe X, and you post X, what is there to say?
    I don’t get tons of comments on my blog, but I have gotten more when I’ve posted about, say, the whole Neumann murder issue.

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