Book Reccomendations

Nurture Shock:: What is the latest science saying about parenting? A lot. And you don’t know most of it. How does language acquisition actually work? You know sleep is important, but how important. Having your kids lie to you can be a good thing. Each chapter takes a slice and educates you. The only bad part about this book is the realization of how many things you are doing wrong because you didn’t know any better.

Catch me if You Can: You’ve seen the movie. The book is better.

Theodore Roosevelt: It is impossible to convey how interesting a man Theodore Roosevelt was. A man who started the national parks, started anti-trusts, was an active combatant in the Spanish-American war and can make a reasonable claim to having personally won it, Nobel Peace Prize winner, tracked down smugglers through the wastelands of Dakota, had the highest approval ratings ever recorded (above 90%), built America’s Navy into a world power, a professional historian and naturalist, and was easily our sexiest president. And more. Yes, all that and more. I linked to one book of the Edmund Morris trilogy, but all three should be read.

I Love you Beth Cooper: I never stopped laughing. Easily one of the funniest books I’ve ever read.

The Emperor of all Maladies: A Biography of Cancer. A comprehensive look at Cancer throughout human history, and the attempts to treat it. A seemingly boring topic is anything but, as the struggle has been going on for hundreds of years, and pits all of humanities cleverness against a wily and implacable adversary. As time goes on, treatments become less about the person than about their cels and genes. Because of this, the last third of the book is more dry and scientific, and harder to understand. (Except for Mrs. Muttrox, who was making corrections in the margins.)

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